Friday, 23 November 2012


I know I am a day late but I thought I would write a few things I am thankful for..

My family- It's rough being parents and siblings to someone with an illness.  They are always at the hospital and support me know matter what.  They all handle it differently, some like to talk about it and others are in denial but as long as they are coping, its all good.

My friends-They are amazing.. pretty simple.  Always making sure when I am sick that I am taken care of.  They are there at a moments notice and are always looking out for my health.  I am blessed to have such supportive friends in my life.

God-Some people wonder why I have such a positive attitude.  I can't imagine allowing anyone else to have this condition. I am lucky he picked me, I can handle it and it's made me stronger.

My Health- I am on a good streak right now, haven't been in the hospital since this summer.  I am coming up on the three year anniversary and I am always so thankful that my life turned out just like it did!

Doctors-I have some of the best doctors possible.  They are extremely knowledgeable and care greatly about me.

All of you-You have supported my parents during my challenging times and we can't thank you enough.

I have so much more to be thankful for...
